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Oh the places you'll go (hopefully).

When I turned eighteen my parents gave me Dr. Seuss' 'Oh the Places You'll Go', and I am trying to live up to that. I have started filling out some Artist in Residency applications this past month, everywhere from Texas to Arctic Russia. There are two big reasons for my renewed interest in finding a residency. One: I am strongly influenced by my surroundings, as stylized and abstract as my work can be, it is definitely a direct reflection of what I see on a daily basis. In the last ten years I've gone from Virgin Marys to spirally swirls to delicate flowers to trout. Quite a range. Two: I have had the honor of getting to meet many of the residents that have visited Elsewhere Studios ,the artist in residency program in my tiny town. They have definitely been an inspiration and I have made some dear friends along the way.

So we shall see what happens and where this road may lead!!

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all images © spencer mahaffey lightfoot 2020

watercolor mosaic artist paonia artist rainbow artist

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